Individual Coaching
Do you want to broaden your horizons, gain new insights, change?
Coaching is an individual process in which I accompany you on your holistic way to gain new insights and to find independent solutions for professional or personal issues. It is a goal-oriented, culturally sensitive and time-limited assistance. The motivation for considering a coaching is not always clear. Often there is a vague feeling or a desire for inner change and clarification. In cooperation with you, I will help you to expand your perspective so that you gain access to your own solutions, release creative forces and venture in new directions. You determine what you do and what path we choose. By changing your own viewpoint and actions, you will initiate change in an undesirable situation.
- Individuals
- Couples
- Families
- Teenagers
- Team
- Executives
Personal development
Clearly defining and evaluating your current situation, also means going through a process of self-awareness - what have I done so far and where am I going? Reflecting on previous careers, recognizing one's own values, strengths and interests, give you confidence to make good decisions. Develop personal and professional perspectives and objectives.
Making a decision could require trusting yourself and having the courage to let go of something. There are big decisions and little ones. If I don’t make a decision, I let others decide for me. Recognize your own decision-making patterns and find new ways.
Transitional situations of all kinds
Tension between stability and change can arise. What do I need to master the transition situation?
Conflict management is a systematic examination of conflicts with the aim to overcome this, to prevent escalations and to reduce costs. It is important to recognize your share in conflicts, dealing with your own emotions and conflict patterns.
" Every communication has a content and relationship aspect such that the latter classifies the former and is therefore a meta-communication" Watzlawick Active relationships, also means active listening, respect, non-violent communication, recognizing and managing your own expectations and those of others, living out your own individuality in relationships.
Work-Life Balance
Recognize your own values ??and needs. Achieve a state of equilibrium between work and private lifestyle.
„One cannot not communicate „Watzlawick Situational communication in a private and business environment, recognizes one’s own and others' communication style and the impact it has; Perception is reality! What the other person hears is his reality! Deal with your own and others' emotions and communication.
Develop clarity
Dispersing of complex situations, change of perspective, distinguish between own and others' claims, own positioning.
Leadership is an exchange of leading and following – you tighten reins and release them again. How do I find the right balance? How do I develop my own personal style of leadership? Which role do I have as a leader and what would I like it to be?
Engl. "to burn out" is a generic term describing an emotional, mental and physical exhaustion, which is characterized by a lack of motivation and unproductiveness. Typically this comes about after a “vicious circle” of overwork and excessive demand lasting for months or even years.Where I am today? What resources do I have and how can I use them so that I get out of the "vicious cycle?”
Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.
Lao Tzu