What customers say about the training
Jens Kerkow, Global Head Compensation & Benefits, Schmolz + Bickenbach AG
“The subtle distinction – this is the title of the intercultural awareness training for Germans who plan to live in Switzerland, which was very good in my opinion. The training was humorous and well diversified and the participants felt comfortable to share their concerns and questions. In the end, the trainings were held several times, more than originally planed."
Edgar G. Sidamgrotzki, MHA, Chief Office of Economics and Labour (AWA), Canton of Thurgau
"Dealing with people from other cultures is a daily challenge for the employees of the Office for Economy and Labour (AWA) of the Canton of Thurgau , therefor it is important to be able to advise all customers professionally and competently. Especially in the fields of job placement, business promotion or during inspections of the Labour Inspectorate. This requires sensitivity, knowledge and a vast knowledge of the norms and values ??of other cultures. The training of Rahel Siegenthaler has shown us how we can increase our competence in terms of foreign cultures. On likeable way, the speaker gave us practical "recipes" and a comprehensive overview of the most important rules of behavior and pitfalls in the area of ??intercultural communication. The numerous personal anecdotes from the wealth of experience of Rahel Siegenthaler and targeted practical exercises made the event varied and sustainable."